The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
- Albert Einstein


THOUGHTS - The Life Continuum begins with our thoughts. In this context, our thoughts refer to any information or impulses which pass in or out of our minds. This would therefore include both our subconscious and our conscious minds. All stimuli taken in through any and all of our five senses, as well as intuitive and genetically stored stimuli join together to make up our thoughts. It is indeed a vast web of cognitive and intuitive information. Our thoughts are the basic elements with which the continuum is built.

FEELINGS - The second level on the continuum is our feelings. Everyone has a slightly different definition of the concept of feelings. Here the elemental thoughts begin to communicate one with the other. This synthesis creates a condition which is not at all easy to define; however, it is potentially very powerful. It is at this level that our bodies become noticeably involved. This brings our mysterious minds into a tangible realm which we can readily notice. We associate certain feekings with certain areas of the body. Like the tree mentioned above, we begin to experience a visible object which has broken ground. It is at this level that most of us begin to notice the unfolding of the continuum.

ACTIONS - At this point in the process the subtle forces become largely tangible. Are actions are not only clearly evident to ourselves, but other people may now begin to enter into the equation. Few people have difficulty recognizing a fairly mature tree when it is not obscured from sight. So it is with your actions. Though they may easily be misinterpereted, your actions are clear to see. An old proverb states "only at the point of action do we become real." And as long as we're quoting ageless wisdom, "actions speak louder than words."

HABITS - How many times have you heard "...slave to his habits." It is clear that the further along the continuum we go, the more profound the impact on our lives. Repeated actions have been proven to create habits. Several sources state that doing something consistently for twenty-one consecutive days will make it a habit. Whether this is statistically accurate or not, few can argue with the idea that we all are guilty of performing certain rituals mindlessly. The term habit suffers the fate of many terms in our language. It frequently draws forth negative insinuations. It is also very true that we habituallly do many very virtuous things in our pattern of behavior.

CHARACTER - Fortunately, the term character is unusual in that it often carries with it positive conotations. When we hold someone in respectful regard we tend to say they have character. On the other hand, when we find somebody peculiar in our way of thinking we often call them a character. In either case, the term implies a deep rooted basic generalization about their over all personality. One's character can be used to determine his motivational intent with regard to his thoughts or actions. Perhaps at this point we can see the relationship of the levels on the continuum most clearly. When told about another's actions, we might be inclined to say "he would never do that," or "it's just like him to do that." The character and the actions must clearly coorespond or we feel that something is wrong.

DESTINY - As the continuum unfolds we find that each step along the journey of personal development has determined our destiny in life. Many self-help books suggest that we do not create our purpose in life but rather discover it. To a large extent this is true, when we take the time to recognize and even influence our destiny. The effortless unfolding of the continuum creates our purpose and through introspection we may be able to discover (dis-cover; the word itself implies it is already there lying hidden in our personality waiting to be uncovered) it and use it for our edification. When this occurs it brings a certain focus to our day to day lives. We can begin to consciously live our life consistent with this purpose; living life on purpose. Thoughts or actions which appear contrary to our discovered purpose may create insecurity or any of a number of other forms of fear as we feel we are not living life on purpose. If the natural unfolding of the Life Continuum dictates our destiny in life, are when then a slave to this outcome? The answer to that question lies within us. We can accept the bondage of years of conditioning or we can become the master by taking over control of this powerful continuum.