
The Mirror of Truth

The Magic Coin

The Gopher’s Other World

The Forbidden Union

The Trail of Paradox

The Squirrel and the Apple

The Camel’s Conclusion

Will and Trust

The Subservient Child

Fanning the Freedom Flame

The Seed of Possibility

Harvest Forlorn


“Stories tell us of what we already knew and forgot, and remind us of what we haven’t yet imagined.”

—Anne L. Watson

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Click the story title in the Table of Contents to the left to read each story.  
_____Written in 1993, “The Magic Mirror" is a collection of twelve allegorical tales. Each story started with a problem or situation I experienced that challenged me and relentlessly cried out for expression. In my world, there is no medium capable of capturing the power of feelings and emotions. Rather than remain in a prison of words, I came to the realization that I could place my problems in the hands of characters and situations outside myself. I could use the passion for expression I possessed within as fuel. In doing so, I would have to attempt to remove the egotistical need to be understood, a task I always find difficult. The task proved to be very therapeutic, as the characters soon became companions with whom I could identify; fellow passengers on the journey.
____ The power of story telling came clear to me on two separate occasions related to these stories. The first came very shortly after their completion after I had given a copy to a friend. A “kindred spirit,” I thought that perhaps she would be able to understand (See? I can’t seem to get around it). I received no feedback at all about the stories until months later. In passing, she commented that her 8-year-old son loved the stories and often asked her to read them to him at bedtime. My initial (unexpressed) reaction was one of terror. In my mind, the stories were problematic; possessing conflicting emotions, turmoil, inner questioning, hope disguised as fear/fear disguised as hope… They had plagued me. They were never intended for a child. I feared I would warp the young lad’s mind. It stands as an indication that the statements in the introduction are indeed true. Stories possess the power to meet the reader at any level.
____ The second occasion came very recently. I had not encountered the stories in many years when I rediscovered them amongst other papers. I only had a vague recollection of the details of two of the stories. I had no recollection of any of the “problems” that seeded the stories. So I was awarded the surrealistic opportunity to read them anew, as an outsider; someone else’s story. To this day I do not recall the situations that gave rise to most of the stories. In a sense, this makes it easier for me to share them with you. The meanings are truly yours to discover. Whether you are moved to ponder complex emotions and wrestle with the perplexities of life or simply roll over in an 8-year-old boy’s carefree slumber, it’s truly all the same. No matter where you arrive, in the final analysis, the journey itself is the ultimate reality.