The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
- Albert Einstein


Have you ever noticed that some people seem to always be happy? Have you also noticed that these people appear to be in the minority? You may ask yourself, "What makes them so strange, and how can I join them?" Far too often we fall into the trap of believing that something acted upon them to give them such a charmed life. The truth of the matter is simple. You too can live your life passionately.
People often race around from activity to activity, relationship to relationship, or place to place searching for that "something" that is going to make their life complete. We somehow believe that the missing ingredient to happiness is somewhere outside us and we set out on a journey to find it. The real miracle lies in the fact that many people appear to be successful in this quest, or at the very least seem to find something which serves as a representative for happiness in their lives. So it would appear that to live this passionate life, one must have something to be passionate about. The operative word throughout this paragraph is "appear," and it certainly looms large. In reality, passion must always reside within. It is our ability to appreciate the objects and events of our lives rather than the objects and events themselves which assures us of the passionate life.

"It is not doing the things we like to do, but liking the things we have to do that makes life blessed" - Goethe -

Search as we must, the hope stands strong that we will discover the ingredients necessary to appreciate life. Along the way many people will point us in a variety of directions. Madison Avenue exists on the very idea that we can be sold the idea that we are incomplete. Millions of dollars change hands dependent on the perpetuation of this myth. Keep searching if you must, but don't forget to be passionate about the search.
Throughout this roller coaster ride we call life there will be many adventures. We first stand patiently in line awaiting our turn. Next we move to the holding area with our place reserved for the next car that arrives. The anticipation mounts as we board the car and the attendant assists us as we buckle ourselves safely in. The car pulls away and the trip begins. We climb hills, we coast on high points, we plunge downward, we glide on low points, we encounter twists and turns at a variety of speeds, sometimes bumpy and other times smooth. At the end of this eventful ride we coast back into the safety of the hut and leave the train behind us. To some, the waiting in line is boring, while others find it an opportunity to experience conversations with all those new faces who pass us in the line. Some anticipate the ride longingly while others fear for their lives. For some the very idea of the attendant buckling his belt insults his intelligence. Others feel the comfort of knowing that another person cares about their safety. Each part of the ride carries with it the potential for excitement or fear, happiness or terror, joy or strife. Which parts of the ride will give us pleasure and which parts will give us pain? The choice is entirely up to us and in the balance of these experiences we can either choose to leave the ride nauseated or exhilarated.
This leads me in the direction of my advice to you. I'll give you a great suggestion of something to be passionate about --- EVERYTHING!