The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
- Albert Einstein



Our lives exist on many different levels. A constant barrage of seemingly insignificant impulses add up to create our thoughts, feelings, and actions. These in turn work together to define who we are. Often we go through our lives unaware of the "little things" which create our very being. Our conscious awareness kicks in somewhere in our tangible world of actions and deeds. We sometimes contemplate who we are and discover our purpose in life. In moments of closer introspection we may even begin to uncover a portion of the motivating influence behind this complex being.
On the preceding page you encountered a graphic display outlining the influence each level of our personality has on the next. Following this continuum, we can see how our thoughts (using a very broad definition of the term) eventually make up each level of our personality, ultimately dictating our destiny in life. At which level and in what capacity we choose to intervene in this process is of profound importance to our pursuit of happiness and fulfillment.
If we look at our perception of the life of a tree, we may be able to draw a useful analogy. Each of us is able to recognize a tree when we see one. Others can actual name and classify many varieties of trees and know a great deal about how and why they grow. Most of us simply notice and accept the organism as something labeled "tree." Like people, trees come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, varieties, colors, and like people, each tree is unique unto itself. Most of us begin to recognize and classify this organism at some point in time noteably into its maturation process. We do not see the seed beneathe the soil as it opens and begins to grow. Very rarely do we see the sprout breaking ground and beginning its journey toward the sunlight. Upon seeing the small plant before us, very often we are unsure of its nature. Is it a weed, a vine, a shrub? Eventually the plant grows into something we recognize fully as a tree. Such is the case with our own maturation.
Somewhere in our development we begin to understand and accept (or sometimes pathologically reject) who we are. This occurs at a time significantly after the seed has begun its ascent to the light. Our geneology, early experiences, role models, and cultural surroundings (among other things) play a major role in nurturing this seed. As we grow we begin to take charge of a great deal of our own nurturing on ever increasing levels. Eventually, through our feelings and our actions we become in touch to various degrees with the essence of our being.
There is an important difference in the life of the tree and that of a human being. A human organism, through its complex mental, physical, and spiritual makeup, has within it the awesome possibilty of going back to the source and regaining control.